Dark chocolate chips 60% - organic / fair trade
The best chocolate for cooking for small and big moments.
Blend of great wines (Peru, Dom. Rep., Sao Tome) made from traditional cocoa varieties.
With just three ingredients: cocoa, cocoa butter and cane sugar, our nuggets are deliciously simple! Our customers often tell us that with their real chocolate flavor, low sugar content and small size, you can put less in the cookies for just as much pleasure and taste.
With their good resistance to high temperatures, our small dark chocolate chips fit perfectly into your muffin and cookie recipes. They are also perfect for garnishing ice creams, in your mueslis or simply to enjoy as a snack.
With our partner Kaoka, we offer you zero-compromise chocolate: quality of ingredients, organic and deforestation-free cultivation, fair conditions and prices for producers.
And for you, consumers, in the context of soaring cocoa prices in 2023-2024, it is the guarantee of the best chocolate at the fairest price.
Our partner Kaoka, with its production cooperatives in South America, Africa and the Caribbean, has always considered cocoa to be an exceptional product. Unlike industrial production which destroys soils, forests and impoverishes producer communities, Kaoka makes chocolate with respect for the environment and humans.
- Selecting the best local varieties according to countries and regions makes it possible to distinguish distinct flavor profiles and contributes to maintaining good biodiversity.
- Training producers in organic growing techniques, agroforestry and good bean fermentation and drying practices allows for sustainable, high-quality production.
- Technical and financial support for the modernization of cooperative equipment and a fair price paid to producers ensures the well-being of communities and a future for small family farms.
- The alliance with European companies renowned for their know-how in transforming cocoa into chocolate finally makes it possible to guarantee a product of superior, consistent quality and at an affordable price for the consumer.